Saturday 27 December 2008


I am quite proud of my magazine as I have never done this before. Using Adobe Photoshop and Fireworks was all very new to me. As I had no idea how to use them and it was my first time using these programs. I also used paint for smaller jobs that needed to be done in a simpler form. For my double page spread I used publisher so it would look more professional. Last and not least , for my contents page I changed it a lot. I had originally made it on Microsoft Word but when I got feedback for it was too bland and needed some colour, it needed to match my front cover.
However, there are some changes that I could have done to my magazine. For example: on the front cover I could have put some more text to interest the readers but not too much. I could have at least one extra picture so the mise-en-scene could be more interesting. For the contents page I could have the images in different positions e.g. with a slight slant to them. I wouldn’t want to change it that much because I like the way it looks. For my Double page feature I could have made the bigger picture slightly smaller and placed a few more images. I could have also put a different font for the title and the writing so the fonts could be consistent throughout. Overall I do like my magazine as it is my first one but I guess I could do much better next time.

Week Five: Final week!

This was the bussiest week because I had to finish everything and put it all together. I had to change and do final changes on the front cover, double page feature spread and contents page. I then had to start on the blog to start my magazine evaluation. This took alot of time and work as I had to gather all my work together to evaluate it.

Week Four:

Writing the article: During this week I had to write my article for the double feature spread. As my artist wasnt real, I had to mak up an interview from the beggining. This was slightly hard to start with because I had no idea what to write. But then I looked at differnt articles in differnt magazines and how the writers use differnt styles. This did help me to come up with a writing style ofmy own. I also included 2 photos so the reader have something to look at and so it's not all writng.
Feedback on magazine mock-up: * Include another picture
* Put more writing on the front so people know what they will find in the magazine.
*Change the background colour it's too bright.
*Make the title look more intresting.
*Put a title on the feature spread.

Wednesday 17 December 2008

Week 3:

During this week I had to find out what my target audience wanted in the magazine. This week really helped me find out what where people's prefferd colours and fonts that they would like to see on the magazine. Also how they would like to see a change on the photo of my artist on the front cover. A 15 year old girl told me:" I would prefer to see a women on the cover, it always seems to be a topless guy making the peace sign with his fingers!".
From the reasearch that I did this week I thought it would be better to change the colur scheme of my front cover and contents page. I had to make it look less bright, otherwise it's too much too look at.

Week 2 (continued)

Presentation of moodboard:

I reaserched images of hip hop and R 'n' B. What I had found was all the sterotypical iamges that people would usally say is seen as hip hop. For example: "bling" baseball caps, hoodies,trainers and finally some famous artists.This is exactly what my moodboard portrays below. I got most of my ideas from looking at 3 magazines. "The source" "Vibe"and "True".

Thursday 11 December 2008

Week two:

Magazines in a musical genre: This week I looked at differnt magazines that would fit into the genre that i choose, which is: Hip-hop and R 'N'B.

Mis-en-scene/Photoshoot: Very bright and lively to show fun side to hip hop music. Even though I might change it once I get feedback. I also want the photoshoot to show that my artist is a "normal" girl and is'nt phazed by stardom. On the left and below are some images from my photoshoot.

Wednesday 10 December 2008

Week one:

Research: Music magazines- Looking at different genres of magazines. Such as: Indie,Hip-hop, heavy metal and many others. This helped me to look at differnt types of mise-en-scene used in different magazines. I noticed which colours where frequently used, the styles, language used and how the pictures were used.
Magazine production: I started looking at differnt fonts and thinking of differnt titles for my magazine. I also had to think of differnt colour schemes that would look good on my magagzine. I didnt actually apply the final colour untill the last week because i wanted it to match what my musican was wearing and the colour of the fonts.