Saturday 27 December 2008


I am quite proud of my magazine as I have never done this before. Using Adobe Photoshop and Fireworks was all very new to me. As I had no idea how to use them and it was my first time using these programs. I also used paint for smaller jobs that needed to be done in a simpler form. For my double page spread I used publisher so it would look more professional. Last and not least , for my contents page I changed it a lot. I had originally made it on Microsoft Word but when I got feedback for it was too bland and needed some colour, it needed to match my front cover.
However, there are some changes that I could have done to my magazine. For example: on the front cover I could have put some more text to interest the readers but not too much. I could have at least one extra picture so the mise-en-scene could be more interesting. For the contents page I could have the images in different positions e.g. with a slight slant to them. I wouldn’t want to change it that much because I like the way it looks. For my Double page feature I could have made the bigger picture slightly smaller and placed a few more images. I could have also put a different font for the title and the writing so the fonts could be consistent throughout. Overall I do like my magazine as it is my first one but I guess I could do much better next time.

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